Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

How Important is English in economic Business ?

How Important is English in economic Business ?

        English is the knowledge that we must learn as Indonesian citizens , because knowledge of the English language is so important to be equipped when we come to the world of work later. Therefore, there is no loss for us to learn and even master the English language. Because the longer the era will increasingly develop into a more modern anymore and English may be the language most often used.
          English is very important in many fields, one of them in business. Means business related to economics. Knowledge of English would be necessary, especially if the work that we're in is a job that requires good English language skills, for example, the company where we work to establish cooperation with foreign companies. English would be used as the main language of communication. In the global era as now, many companies that accept candidates who have the ability to speak English. Because it is very important to improve the quality of ourselves by studying English in order to compete internationally in the world, especially in business.
          As we will face at the end of 2015, the Asean Economic Community (AEC). To deal with the current business competition is the most important quality of its human resources. Human resources into the most fundamental factor in winning the global competition in 2015. AEC business economics Competition will be intense. In this case the role of the English language is necessary, especially in terms of mastering communication directly. Foreign language skills will be required for example to introduce the products we sell, to establish direct cooperation, to discuss the project that we will do together with our clients.
          Because globalization is causing the world becomes increasingly felt without any state, the ability to communicate in a foreign language (English) is required to be equipped us to face the free market that we will meet later.

Risha Lyana Manik – 19214483
                                                                             Economic - Management

Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

English Lesson - Softskills - Adverbial Clause

Adverbial Clause

Adverbial Clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan (adverb), dalam hal ini menerangkan kata kerja. Kalimat adverbial clause dimulai dengan subordinatif conjunctions (seperti if, when, because atau altough) dan biasanya mencakup subjek dan predikat.
Ada 9 macam jenis Adverbial Clause, diantaranya ;

1.      Adverbial Clause of  Place
Adverb Clause of Place adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tempat, dan dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunction: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, now where.
Contoh penggunaan Adverbial Clause of Place dalam kalimat :
·         Wherever you are, I’ll will miss you.  (Dimanapun kamu, saya akan merindukanmu)
·         You can go wherever you want. (Kamu dapat pergi kemanapun kamu mau)
·         I will visit a city where my old friend lives now. (Saya akan mengunjungi kota dimana teman lama saya tinggal sekarang)
·         The guard stood where he was positioned. (Penjaga itu berdiri di mana ia diposisikan)
·         wherever you go, there is always a shadow in my eyes. (kemanapun kamu pergi, bayanganmu selalu ada dimataku)

2.      Adverbial Clause of  Time
Adverb Clause of Time adalah klausa yang menyatakan waktu. Untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of time kita bisa menggunakan subordinating conjunctions, seperti: after, as soon as, as long as, before, since, until, when, while, whenever.
Contoh penggunaan Adverbial Clause of Time dalam kalimat :
·         When I was playing video game, she knock my door. (Ketika saya sedang bermain game, dia mengetuk pintu ku)
·         Before I read history book, I have read a novel. (Sebelum saya membaca buku sejarah, saya telah membaca sebuah novel)
·         When I was writing an diary book, my friend came. (Ketika saya sedang menulis sebuah buku diary, teman saya datang)
·         I’ll tell you as soon as I know. (Saya akan memberitahu Anda segera setelah saya tahu)
·         While he was walking home, he saw an accident. ( Sementara ia sedang berjalan pulang, ia melihat kecelakaan)
·         You may begin whenever  you are ready. (Anda mungkin akan memulai ketika anda sudah siap)

3.      Adverbial Clause of  Reason
Adverb Clause of Reason adalah jenis klausa yang menyatakan alasan, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions : as, because, since.

Contoh penggunaan Adverbial Clause of Time dalam kalimat :
·         Because I love you, I can do anything for you. ( Karena aku mencintaimu, aku dapat melakukan apapun untukmu)
·         Since it’s raining so heavily, I can’t go to campuss. (Karena hujan deras, saya tidak dapat pergi ke kampus)
·         Puspa doesn’t go to school because she is sick. (Puspa tidak pergi kekampus karena dia sakit)
·         He was unable to play in the final games as he had hurt his ankle. ( Ia tidak dapat bermain di game terakhir saat ia telah melukai pergelangan kakinya)

4.       Adverbial Clause of  Manner
Adverb Clause of Manner adalah jenis klausa yang menunjukkan cara  bagaimana suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti as, how, like, in that.
Contoh penggunaan Adverbial Clause of Manner dalam kalimat :
·         He did as I told him. (Dia melakukan seperti yang saya katakan padanya)
·         You may finish it how you like. (Anda mungkin menyelesaikannya bagaimana Anda suka)
·         They may beat us again, like they did in 1978. (Mereka mungkin mengalahkan kami lagi, seperti yang mereka lakukan pada tahun 1978)

5.      Adverbial Clause of Contrast / Concession
Adverb Clause of Contrast / Concession adalah adalah jenis klausa yang menyatakan perbedaan atau pertentangan. kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions:altough, even, though, while, where as untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of contrast.
Contoh penggunaan Adverb Clause of Contrast dalam kalimat :
·         He is still poor although he has worked so hard. (Dia masih sangat miskin meskipun dia telah bekerja sangat keras)
·         Even though I don’t have much money, I will try to help him. ( Meskipun saya tidak punya banyak uang, saya akan mencoba untuk membantu dia)
·         They won the game, though they didn’t really deserve the victory. (Mereka memenangkan pertandingan, meskipun mereka tidak benar-benar layak untuk menang)
·         Whatever he has done, he is your father. (Apapun yang telah dia lakukan, dia ayahmu)
·         No matter what he said, I still love him. (Tidak peduli apapun yang dia katakan, aku tetap mencintainya)
·         No matter what the woman said and done, I still believe in my boyfriend. (Tidak peduli apapun yang wanita itu katakan dan lakukan, aku tetap percaya pada kekasihku)

6.      Adverbial Clause of  Condition
Adverb Clause of Condition adalah jenis klausa yang menunjukkan adanya persyaratan antara dua kejadian (peristiwa) yang berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunctions seperti if, even if, unless, in the even that, or in even that, in case, provided (that), providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that).
Contoh penggunaan Adverb Clause of Condition dalam kalimat :
·         You’ll succeed, if you do your best. (Anda akan berhasil, jika Anda melakukan yang terbaik)
·         You won’t be rich unless you work hard. (Kamu tidak akan menjadi kaya, kecuali jika kau bekerja keras)
·         You will be comfortable inside the house even if it’s cold and raining outside. ( Anda akan merasa nyaman dalam rumah bahkan jika itu dingin dan hujan di luar)
·         If I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow. (Jika saya melihat dia, aku akan mengundangnya ke pesta besok)
·         Suppose that your house burns down, do you have enough insurance to cover such a loss. (Misalnya rumah Anda yang terbakar, apakah Anda memiliki asuransi cukup untuk menutupi kerugian tersebut)

7.      Adverbial Clause of  Result
Adverb Clause of Result adalah jenis klausa yang menyatakan akibat.
Contoh penggunaan Adverb Clause of Result dalam kalimat :
·         She is so short that she can’t become a stewardess. (Dia sangat pendek sehingga dia tidak bisa menjadi pramugari)
·         She studies so hard that she is successful in her study. (Dia belajar keras sehingga dia sukses)
·         He is saving his money so that he may take a long vacation. (Dia menyimpan uang sehingga dia dapat mengambil liburan panjang)
·         Unless you tell her about your love, she won’t know it. (Jika kamu tidak memberitahu dia tentang perasaanmu, dia tidak akan pernah tahu)

8.      Adverbial Clause of  Purpose
Adverb Clause of Purpose adalah jenis klausa yang menunjukkan hubungan maksud atau tujuan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan kata penghubung seperti (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case.
Contoh penggunaan Adverb Clause of Purpose dalam kalimat :
·         They went to the movie early in order to find the best seats. ( Mereka pergi nonton lebih awal agar menemukan tempat duduk yang nyaman)
·         Lyana takes a English lesson in order that she can get a job easily. (Lyana mengambil pelajaran bahasa inggris agar dia dapat memperoleh pekerjaan dengan mudah)
·         People eat nutritious food so that they will keep healthy. (setiap orang makan makanan bergizi supaya setiap orang makan makanan bergizi supaya mereka tetap sehat)

9.      Adverbial Clause of Comparison
Adverb Clause of Comparison adalah jenis klausa yang menyatakan perbandingan.
Contoh penggunaan Adverb Clause of Comparison dalam kalimat :
·         John can speak English as fluently as his teacher. (John dapat berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris sefasih gurunya)
·         An elephant is stronger than a rabbit. (Seekor gajah lebih kuat dari seekor kucing)

Tipe Adverbial Clause
Contoh Adverbial Clause dalam Kalimat
after, as, as long as, as soon as, at last, before, by the time, during, everytime, no, once, since, then, till, until, when, whenever, while
After I changed the APN name, I unpluged my modem and waited for 5 minutes.
(Setelah saya merubah nama APN, saya mencabut modem dan menunggu selama 5 menit.)
She was cleaning the kitchen when she found so much expired food.
(Dia sedang membersihkan dapur ketika dia menemukan begitu banyak makanan kadaluarsa.)
While he was studying in my room, he didn’t let someone else to disturb.
(Ketika dia sedang belajar di ruangan, dia tidak membiarkan orang lain mengganggu.)
anywhere, everywhere, now where, where, wherever
She will visit a city where her old friend lives now.
(Dia akan mengunjungi kota dimana teman lamanya tinggal sekarang.)
although, as the time, but, even if, even though, on the other hand, still, though, whereas, while, yet
Although many friends confronted her ambition, Yuli went forward such a tank.
(Meskipun banyak teman menentang ambisinya, Yuli maju terus seperti tank)
Though she is annoyed, she tries to think positively.
(Meskipun dia jengkel, dia mencoba untuk berpikir positif.)
Cause & Effect
(Sebab Akibat)
as, as long as, because, due to the fact that, how, inasmuch as, since, so..that, such..that, that
Because he had free time during last holiday, he rearranged her house.
(Karena dia punya waktu luang selama liburan lalu, dia menata ulang rumahnya.)
in case, in order that, in the hope that, least, so that, to the end that
His wife cooks by herself in order that her family gets the best nutrition.
(Istrinya memasak sendiri dengan tujuan keluarganya mendapatkan gizi terbaik.)
Ria drove fast so that he could arrived on time.
(Ria mengemudi dengan cepat agar dia dapat tiba tepat waktu.)
as long as/in so far as, even if, if, if..not, in case (that), in the event that, on condition that, only if, otherwise, provided/providing (that), suppose/supposing that, unless, whether or not
I’ll come to the party only if you accompany me.
(Saya akan datang ke pesta hanya jika kamu menemani.)
As long as you follow the traffic regulation, you won’t be ticketed.
(Jika kamu menikuti peraturan lalu lintas, kamu tidak akan ditilang.)
Unless the TV viewers gave her donations, he would not be able to buy gold, rice field, and house .
(Jika pemirsa TV tidak memberikan dia sumbangan, dia tidak akan dapat membeli emas, sawah, dan rumah.)
Do not forget to bring your boots, otherwise your feets will probably blister.
(Jangan lupa untuk membawa sepatu bot-mu, jika tidak kakimu mungkin akan lecet.)
as, how, in that, the way
I wonder how I learn grammar uneffectively for almost fifteen years.
(Saya membayangkan bagaimana saya mempelajari grammar dengan tidak efektif selama hampir lima belas tahun.)
We sometimes do not realize the way God help us.
(Kita kadang tidak menyadari cara Tuhan menolong kita.)